Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Checkpoints and Timeline

OK. So I haven't updated in a while. Writing is proving to be a bit difficult at the moment. My brain hasn't seemed able to click into gear and GET SHIT DONE. Nevertheless, I have filled what time I have at the computer by drafting up a checkpoints timeline for the story arc that is proving most troublesome, and is also the furthest from being finished. So hey, progress of sorts. At least I now have a written structure to work from, rather than one that is completely in my head. Anyway, here it is for your enjoyment/bafflement.

1928- Dam. School.
1930- Shop/Post Office open.
1936- Albert (18) buys and moves into house on Elliot block (block 5).
1939- Albert (21) marries local girl (Sarah; 21).
Phillip born 1940 à Albert heads off to war.
Men off to WWII (Albert (22), Josh Craig (31), Arnold Kelly (17))- Rats of Tobruk; Craig and Kelly kids die.
Albert returns 1944; haunted by ghosts unknown- stands alone, a silhouette against the night’s sky, for hours on end.
1945- Albert acquires the Craig farm (block 1). Felicity stays at the Monroe’s.
1952- Albert acquires land Enfield left in 1925.
Albert builds new house on the Elliot block in 1958. Parents refuse to leave old house, live there until they die, 2 weeks apart, in 1975 (Dad 81; Ma 83).
Couple of miscarriages à Phillip an only child.
1962- Phillip (22) marries Beth (19); builds house on
Whole southwest flooded in 1964. Cows swept down river, all found safe 10km downstream.
1966- Acquire the Mayfield farm (block 6).
Cyclone Alby 1978: fires; loss of stock; Henry loses an arm à Phillip makes it into a coffee table à writing partially visible (with magnifying glass) around the edge (found by Phillip, Beth or Hazel?, or leave up to imagination?) à “he’s trying to tell us something.”
1981- Phillip builds new house on top of ridge behind his grandparents house.
1985- Albert/Phillip acquire last block around the lake- that of the Monroe’s (block 4).
Albert (71) dies 1989. Sarah (79) dies 1997.

Dad born 1894, Ma born 1892

So there.

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