Wednesday, 6 April 2011

out of the pub (cont.)

When I start writing I usually have a direction for the story mapped out in my mind. Every so often however, when I get into the groove of writing, the voice of one or more of the characters takes over and the narrative takes off somewhere unexpected, yet somehow right. This is one of those times.
Like animals onto an ark they left two-by-two- Hazel back to Marshall’s, and Piers and Laura back to their own houses after exchanging numbers on their phones- leaving Pilar and Alby gawping and bashful at their own fates.

They stood and laughed at each other for a minute, before Alby mustered the energy to lighten the mood by holding himself horizontal on a street sign pole and gradually lower his body towards the ground by softening his grip. Pilar threatened to topple him by draping her body over his legs, causing him to panic and loosen his grip just that little bit too much. His shoulder and hip smacked into the pavement simultaneously and he rolled onto his back and lay prostrate with arms and legs spread out. His eyes were closed but the rapid bouncing of his chest gave away the resounding laughter that was to follow. His torso heaved and tears rolled from the corners of his eyes to salt-streak his temples. Pilar initially bent over him to check that he was OK, but as she noticed the staccato rise and fall of his chest realised that he was merely overwhelmed with joy and relief at the night. It was like a valve had been opened and the pressure released from the cylinder of his mind. He laid there, a grin wide across his face laughing at the world. As he regained his composure the muscles of his face relaxed and the skin hung plump and lose on his cheeks. He lay there loose and free of any cares, the antithesis to his standard self. Pilar knelt over him laughing at him and that thing she couldn’t quite put her finger on. She peered curiously at his face watching each tiny tic and flush trying to figure out what was going on behind those eyes. As he slowly opened them the whole veneer was laid bare. They looked at each other as if for the first time. A new and different world had opened up in the space between them and they stared transfixed as it swirled and sparkled. They stayed like that for quite some time absorbing the essence of that world, until slowly and finally it evaporated into a mirage and a memory. They smiled at each other, acknowledging. Alby chuckled lightly into his throat and Pilar lowered her mouth to his, a pure moment.

“Do you want to come back to mine?” Pilar asked.

Alby looked at her cagily. “Why?”

“Well, Donna and Zach are at yours, and Hazel’s gone back to Marshall’s, so my house is empty.”

Alby giggled for lack of anything witty or intelligent to say. Pilar stood up slowly and pulled Alby to his feet. He straightened out his clothes and cleared his throat. She started walking towards home, and Alby followed like a puppy new to its lead.

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